Ways To Stay Motivated In Sales

The foundation of a good sales technique is making a real connection with your customer. When you focus on your customer with a positive attitude, you’re already winning. You’re winning because the only way to truly engage your customer is to make him or her your sole purpose for a living…at least for that moment. And to do that, you must have no other thoughts competing for attention in your brain.

But what happens if you lose motivation and you’re simply unable to stay focused?

What happens if you’re finding it harder and harder to inject enthusiasm into your work and stay positive? After all, things can bring you down…family issues, fear of under-performing at work, the transmission on your car needs fixing…it all creeps in there and turns your day into one big worry fest. What happens when these negative outside influences are keeping you from focusing on your customer?

One thing’s for sure: your performance will suffer.

What you need is a formula for staying focused, upbeat, and optimistic at work so you can continue forging those customer connections and make your sales. Once you’ve learned the trick to staying motivated daily, you’ll have learned the key to superlative success, every single day.

The number one way to kill your focus (and your sales) is to have negative thoughts.

Those issues bringing you down and zapping your focus are causing negative thoughts. Too bad for salespeople that negative thoughts are pretty much impossible to hide.

That’s because humans have evolved to be the most highly sensitive creatures on earth when it comes to sensing emotions. If you’re in sales, hopefully, you’ve harnessed this sensory power and use it to capture people’s imaginations, draw them in and make a sale.

But this super sensory power that allows us to meta-connect with other humans can turn on you when you’re unable to rid yourself of negativity. It will send your customers running.

The Trick? Get a Box!

Of course, we all have negative thoughts- the idea is to keep them under control in a mental box and don’t let anything trigger that box to open while you’re on the job. Stop letting external factors open that box.

You certainly can’t make the sad or angry feelings of a fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend go away, but you can do the following:

  • Learn to put those negative thoughts and others like them in a “box”.
  • Do not open the box while you’re at work.
  • Do not let any external events open that box.
  • Deal with the box so you don’t get an ulcer …but deal with it outside of work.