What To Do When Your Motivation Dwindles

Maybe you felt good when you woke up, but now it’s 3pm. You’re out of coffee and there is no part of you that wants to stay at work right now. All you can think about is what you want to do after work. You can’t even focus.

When motivation dwindles, our productivity, goals, and eventually our overall wellbeing dwindle as well. Don’t fret. Read on for four helpful things to do when your motivation dwindles.

Remember Your Goals

Without goals, we become lost and we might even succumb to depression. To rekindle motivation, we need to remember why we started a journey in the first place. For some people, it may be as easy as closing their eyes and visualizing what they want or where they want to be. For others, they may need to go out and look at something tangible. If you want a cool house, for instance, a drive-by one that’s for sale. Imagine yourself in it.

Make sure your goals are working for you. If they’re too superficial, or not things you actually want, you may need to reevaluate. Think about what will really make you happy in the long run. Relationships with reliable, honest people will help. A job that challenges and supports you is integral. Don’t slack on goal setting. If you do it wrong, you’ll not have the motivation you need to get through the day.

Keep the Right Company

According to, you should surround yourself with busy, active achievers instead of those without much direction or who discourage you. Active friends will not encourage or tolerate excuses. They will also have good ideas and encouraging words for when you’re feeling down. You will be part of a culture of motivation.

We adopt the habits of those around us. If we surround ourselves with lazy people, they will ask us why we are trying so hard. If we surround ourselves with positivity, we will always have support.

Develop Your Routine

You need a routine that is not only healthy but works for you on a personal level. Without one, your energy will plummet. You can imagine what happens to motivation when you have no energy.
Some people love kale, the gym, and waking up early. Others would do better hitting the gym in the afternoon and adding lots of meat to their salads. You have to try different things and make slow changes until something sticks.

If your routine doesn’t work for you, you won’t stay with it. You’ll end up back in your old habits. The key is to find a way to make your routine rewarding. More sleep will give you more energy, but maybe you need something more. If you eat well all week, treat yourself to a cheat meal on Friday. Plan to make a rewarding purchase when you reach your goal weight.

Identify and Face Fears

Sometimes motivation is sapped by self-sabotage. We think our goals are impossible or we don’t think we deserve them, so we procrastinate and engage in poor habits. To stop this motivation sapper, you must identify and face your fears.

When you identify a fear, it immediately becomes less scary. It doesn’t go away, though. You have to push further and further into the fear to find ways to manage your reactions to it. Eventually, you will get to a point where yes, you are still afraid, but you manage the fear so well it doesn’t matter.